Let's reconstruct the world with us!

Join us in making the mission of sharing the world's visual point cloud happen by starting in Southeast Asia.

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  • Jobs Opening

    Full-time | Part-time | Internship

    Computer Vision Researcher

    Computer Vision Researcher

    • Focus on computer vision tasks related to Structure from Motion (SfM) and visual localization problem

    • Optimize the speed of existing models and improve the model pipeline performance

    • Train and improve the accuracy of the machine learning models

    • Level up models and pipelines to support massive scale datasets with the robustness

    • Explore new methods for future deployment

    Machine Learning Engineer

    • Package, deploy and optimize machine learning models and pipelines to speed up the real-time process

    • Develop a scalable pipeline to support massive datasets for the post process

    • Reproduce a self-training pipeline that stays in the loop of creating and updating upcoming visual data

    • Collect/Create and maintain old and new datasets

    Machine Learning Engineer
    Software Engineer

    Software Engineer

    • Handle computationally intensive tasks from Augmented Reality sessions

    • Familiar with multi-threading, concurrency, and asynchronous processes

    • Work with SDK for multi-platforms

    • Make a bridge to support cross-platform frameworks

    • Working with gRPC, handling bidirectional streaming

    • Build high-performance database for large datasets

    • Familiar with CI/CD, Docker, and Microservices in mind

    Would like to join us?

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